Navigating and Managing Your Files in Burai

Access, Organize, and Customize Your Project Files

How do I manage and view my files in Burai?

In the Burai web app, you can easily access and manage all your project files. Here's how:

  • Accessing Files: Click “Files” in the left sidebar to open the Files page. Here, you’ll see all files related to your projects displayed in a grid.
  • Switching Views: If you prefer a list view, click the "View As" tab and select “List” to switch from the default grid view.
  • Favorites Tab: Use the Favorites tab to filter and display only the files you’ve marked as favorites for quick access.
  • Status Tab: The Status tab provides a drop-down menu allowing you to filter files by their status.
  • Sort Tab: Use the Sort tab to organize files by priority or activity, ensuring that the most important files appear at the top.
  • Hide Tab: To reduce clutter, use the Hide tab to remove archived files from your view, displaying only active projects.

Within each file, you can perform additional actions:

  • Sharing and Favorites: By clicking on the three vertical dots next to a file, you can share it, add it to your favorites, copy a shareable link, open it in its original location, publish it for broader distribution, or archive it to reduce clutter.