Filtering and Sorting in the Burai Web App 

Enhancing Task Management Efficiency

Filtering and Sorting in the Burai Web App

Filtering Tasks:

In Burai, filtering allows users to refine their task list, helping them focus on the most relevant information and enhance efficiency. To apply filters, users can click the “Apply Filter” button, which triggers a search query using the selected filters as parameters. The results are then presented in a filtered List View or Kanban View.

Below are the key filter options available:

  • Priority: Filter tasks by priority levels (Blocker, Critical, High, Medium, Low, Very Low) to quickly access and address access and address the most urgent tasks.
  • Status: Tasks can be filtered by their status—Open, In Review, or Completed—helping track progress and identify tasks that need immediate action.
  • Assignee: This filter allows users to view tasks assigned to specific team members, making it easier to delegate, track, and coordinate work.
  • Assignor: Filtering by assignor provides an overview of tasks assigned by specific individuals, aiding in prioritizing tasks more efficiently.
  • Source-Based: Users can filter tasks based on their origin (e.g., tasks from Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides), which helps manage tasks according to their source.
  • Timeframe: Tasks can be filtered based on broader timeframes, such as tasks for the current week or month, aiding in effective planning.
  • Duration: Users can filter tasks based on the estimated duration or effort required, calculated by AI based on similar past tasks.

Sorting Tasks:

Sorting options in Burai enable users to organize their task list according to different criteria, ensuring a structured and prioritized view. The available sorting options are:

  • High to Low Priority: Sorting tasks from the highest priority to the lowest helps users and project managers focus on critical tasks that require immediate attention.
  • Low to High Priority: Sorting tasks from the lowest priority to the highest aids in planning for less urgent tasks.
  • Closest Due Date: Sorting tasks by due date is crucial for time management. Tasks are arranged from the nearest due date to the furthest, helping users prioritize those approaching their deadlines.
  • Outermost Due Date: Tasks are sorted from the furthest due date to the closest, which can assist in long-term planning.
  • Latest Activity: Sorting tasks by the latest activity (e.g., comments, status changes) helps users stay updated on recent developments.
  • Oldest Activity: Sorting tasks by the oldest activity helps identify tasks that may have been pending for a long time and need attention.

Users can access these sorting options by clicking the Sort button in the Burai Hub, allowing them to select their preferred sorting method for an organized task view.

These filtering and sorting functionalities in Burai ensure that users can efficiently manage their tasks, focusing on what is most important and staying updated on task progress.

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