Analyzing and Tracking Tasks Progress in Burai

Gain Insights and Track Progress with Burai’s Advanced Tools

How can I analyze and track the progress of my tasks in Burai?

Burai offers several tools to help you analyze and track the progress of your files:

Home Page:

  • Visual Summary: The Home page provides an overview of your tasks and files.

    • My Tasks: At the top, you'll see a summary of your tasks categorized by their status—overdue, due today, or upcoming. 
    • My To-Do: A list of your current tasks, showing the task name, associated project, and due date, along with indicators for the task’s status (e.g., overdue, due today etc.).
    • My Files: Displays a list of your favorite files, with indicators showing their progress or how man tasks related to these files are overdue, due today, upcoming or completed.
    • Tasks I've Assigned: A section that shows tasks you’ve assigned to others, separated into active and completed tasks.

To Do Section:

  • Task Management: The To Do section is organized into four categories:
    • Overdue: Tasks that has due date in the past.
    • Due today:  tasks that are due today.
    • Upcoming: Tasks that have due date in future.
    • Completed: Tasks that have been fully completed and approved.

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